Second Citizenship in Dubai |Citizenship by Investment
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Having a second citizenship is a step toward more independence. Dual citizenship can allow you greater flexibility and independence, whether it's the ability to fly to more nations, live in different jurisdictions, or select your own lifestyle.For high-net-worth individuals wishing to invest their money in good chances, second citizenship has become a popular option. Foreign nationals can now take advantage of second passports and all the perks that come with them thanks to Citizenship by Investment programs offered by more than 20 nations across the world which includes United Arab Emirates also. This type of investment program can provide you with anything from residency permits that give you full access to your country's economy to visa-free travel.

Expats will be able to become dual citizens for the first time thanks to amendments to the law on nationality and passports. In the past, dual citizenship was prohibited in the United Arab Emirates. Expats must take an oath of loyalty and follow local laws in order to become Emirati citizens. The authorities must be notified immediately whenever a person loses or gains another citizenship.

As a result, Dhanguard has established itself as a market leader in delivering great services and assistance to aid you with effective and solid second citizenship services and Assistance. Please read the material below, which has been painstakingly developed by our professionals to ensure that you receive the most up-to-date services.

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What is the meaning of Dual Citizenship?

A person with dual citizenship has the legal status of being a citizen of two nations at the same time. In other words, when a person lives in one nation but is also a citizen of another, he is said to have dual citizenship.

To take this crucial step, you'll need to understand a few things, such as which nations grant dual citizenship and which don't. Giving up your original passport is not ideal; but, exchanging one passport for another is not always a terrible thing, which is why it is so important to have all of the facts before making a decision.

What are the advantages of Second Citizenship?

Dual nationals can take use of the benefits and privileges granted by both countries. They have access to two social assistance systems, can vote in each nation, and may be eligible to run for government in either country, for example (if the law permits). They can also work in either country without requiring a work permit or visa, and they can attend school at the same tuition rate as citizens (versus the international tuition rate).


You can travel with passports from both nations if you are a dual citizen. For example, if you are a UAE citizen who also happens to be a New Zealand citizen, you will find it easier to travel between the two nations. Having a citizen's passport eliminates the requirement for long-stay visas and any customs questions about the purpose of your journey. It also grants dual-passport holders the right of entrance to both the UAE and New Zealand; this can be very useful if you have family in both countries to visit, or if you are a student or businessperson who studies or conducts business in both countries.


The opportunity to hold property in either nation is another advantage of dual citizenship. Land ownership is restricted in some countries to citizens exclusively. You would be able to buy property in either—or both—countries as a lawful citizen of both. This may be especially advantageous if you travel regularly between the two nations, as property ownership may be a more cost-effective option to live in two places.


You'll gain from being steeped in the cultures of both countries as a dual citizen. Dual citizenship is also popular among government officials, who see it as a method to boost the country's image as a top tourism destination. Individuals with dual citizenship can study about the history of both nations, learn two (or more) languages, and live in a distinct culture.


Unlike foreigners, who must get a work visa in order to work in a country, you can have the freedom to work wherever you need. You can work anywhere in the country without a work visa if you have dual nationality.


There's no need to apply for a visa again. You will not need permission to re-enter the country if you plan to live in another country for a period of time, say a year or more. You can easily return because you have dual citizenship.Also if you are a citizen of a foreign country other than your own, you can aid your family members in obtaining citizenship in that country. This applies to your parents, siblings, and children.


If you don't plan ahead, retirement might be costly. Choosing an ideal location with outstanding living quality is one of the most important subjects on everyone's attention. All while maintaining visa-free access to other nations in case they require it in the future. Furthermore, a person's previous residence can guide them to the information they want. It might be a fantastic location, climate, and way of life for your retirement years. If you've already made money, now is the time to relax and enjoy it.


Every person's health is their most important concern. There are several countries in the world with the best healthcare systems. As a result, if you have dual citizenship in one of those nations, you can use that country's healthcare system.


Acquire a high-status sign, receive preferential treatment, and maximize your alternatives. More power comes with more freedom.Ownership of real estate, boats, and ships is possible, with all the perks that come with it. Acquiring a second citizenship is similar in that it is a status symbol to add to the list. All of the aforementioned factors lead to a person's greatest professional and business potential. A second citizenship allows a person to live the greatest life possible.


Yes, dual citizenship allows you to enroll your children in the greatest schools, colleges, and universities in the country. For example, if a country has the best education system in the world, you can apply for citizenship there instead of your own. As a result, take advantage of their educational opportunities. That, too, at a very modest cost, compared to foreign tuition rates.


Having a second passport from a safe nation gives you peace of mind. You keep a backup plan in case of social, political, or economic unrest in your own country.

What can you achieve with a Golden Visa?

Get Golden Visa is a company that helps people with investment and citizenship programs all over the world. Our staff of expert agents maintains track of any changes in citizenship rules that occur around the world. As a result, we can stay current and provide you with high-quality services.

Among the services we provide are:

  • Investment residency
  • Investment-based citizenship

Apart from that, you can contact us if you have any questions about dual citizenship. The procedure of obtaining dual citizenship is somewhat complicated, and there are numerous elements that require your undivided attention. Before proceeding, you should speak with an immigration lawyer or a specialist.

How can Dhanguard Help?

Individuals and families can become Global Citizens with the help of Dhanguard. We're a financial advice firm that specializes in investor programs for residency and citizenship, and we see ourselves as the crucial link between ambitions and reality. We provide a personalized service experience that is backed by long-term connections. We play a vital role in enabling consultants, legal and financial experts, and investors to achieve their objectives in a timely, cost-effective, and responsible manner.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Second Citizen in United Arab Emirates FAQs

It will be well worth it to have Second citizenship. You enjoy a variety of privileges, including the ability to travel whenever you want and work anywhere you choose. It is the ideal option for investors because there are no time-of-stay requirements. All you have to do now is put money into that country. Dual citizenship is, thus, worthwhile.

Dual citizenship has some disadvantages, but not in the grand scheme of things. After going through a lengthy process to obtain it, you may have to pay double taxes. Furthermore, in some nations, you are not permitted to work in a government department.

Passports, on the other hand, can expire because they are only valid for a certain amount of time. However, when it comes to citizenship, changing a country's laws to become a citizen is a major issue that necessitates extensive national and international debate. As a result, if the laws are changed, citizens have enough time to take the necessary steps to ensure that they remain citizens of the country. As a result, dual citizenship never ends.